Thursday, February 28, 2013

Italy on Demand


If you want to watch an authentic Italian movie and you live in the States chances are that you have very few options. 
You can wait for an important festival to come to town (if it comes and if your town is lucky enough): in New York for example, there is Antonio Monda's Open Roads a festival that every year for a week in June brings the best of contemporary cinema, the best directors, actors and stories through the Lincoln Center; or you could browse some old collection of Classics drive to a Blockbuster (if they are still open)  and often have to pick from film-school Criterion-style set of titles, powerful masterpieces but that require a lot of context. You could look at the local art-houses and indie theaters but maybe they are far or expensive.  Or you could browse the internet, hopefully legally, but even there the choices of foreign movies on Netflix are few and not always available on instant watch. 

These kind of questions and mindset brought about a company like Italy On Demand created by tech-savvy and broadcast professional Flavio Arzilla. 
Through agreements with various Italian distributors and networks Italy On Demand offers a choice of italian movies, in italian with subtitles both in English and in Italian (for those whoa re learning or want to challenge themselves). 
It's a combination of classics and contemporary hidden gems, the kind of movies a real Italian would see in theaters, from a comedy, to a political satire. There are also cartoons, documentaries and a few local channels and for all the soccer fans abroad or the ones that grew up in the States still attached to an italian team, there is a soccer section.

The service works like Netflix with a small monthly fee and one can pick between renting a feature or watching it immediately. Just turn on your computer or if you have an Apple TV or Roku and enjoy the selection on demand.

This is a growing enterprise, catered to those who want to feel connected to Italy and perhaps learn or teach the language better, and in bilingual families keep the kids entertained and connected to their roots. There are millions of Americans with Italian origins and even more who are just fascinated by the culture, the country or want to impress their girlfriends or boyfriend at a restaurant. Maybe you're starting to learn Italian and you're required to be fully immersed in the language, but the closest thing that comes to it on your TV are cooking shows or short segments . 
Imagine that you're boarding a big International plane to Italy and the little screen in front of your seat lights up with some choices of entertainment for every need and ages, to pass the time. Well, here even if you're not an actual plane, you are definitely taking a journey like it always happens when embracing a culture.
The creator and president of the company Flavio Arzilla is very passionate about the project and looking forward to reaching out to as many people as possible and expand the service. 
So next time you have to take the SAT Subject test in italian, an AP course, a cooking class or explore your roots or share a family story, you could easily add this tool as one more window into the soul of Italy. 

Benedetta Grasso

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


La piu' importante TV Toscana su IRoad Italian Channel, TVL e' per voi...

Tutto Mercato Web

Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto...3 telegiornali ogni giorno, il tutto con interviste e retroscena del mondo calcistico

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Live Milano

Live Milano e' su IRoad IPTV

Italians in Chicago

ITV Cinema has launched a new Italian Channel on demand.

The Italian language channel offers RAI Cinema, Blu Film, Live Sicilia Tv, Live Milano, movies, documentaries and cartoons.Shows and movies are available on demand with or without English subtitles.
To subscribe, follow the instructions on 
The channel offers a selection that includes some of the most popular Italian movies, from Pieraccioni, to Gabriele Salvatores. 
For more information, click here or contac: From:


DispenserTv diffusa negli USA

Tutte le puntate di DispenserTv del 2013 da questi giorni sono diffuse sul territorio del Nord America e Canada. Questo sviluppo è stato possibile grazie ad un accordo tra DispenserTv e la società IROAD LLC di New York.
“La diffusione di DispenserTv – dice Flavio Arzilla presidente di IRoad LLC - avverrà tramite il nostro canale IRoad Italian Channel/Italy on Demand via IPTV, Web e Mobile.
I contenuti di DispenserTv saranno disponibili come VOD (video on demand) secondo le seguenti specifiche: passaggi illimitati su Roku (IPTV), passaggi illimitati su Web e Mobile, passaggi illimitati su Apple Tv tramite il sistema Airplay.
Le puntate di Dispenser Tv saranno contestualizzate in una programmazione tutta italiana con altri nostri partner italiani, RAI Trade, Blu Film, Live Milano e Live Sicilia Tv“.
L'accordo prevede che IROAD LLC diffonderà tutte e 52 le puntate di DispenserTv previste per l'anno 2013.
“La nostra attenzione - afferma ancora Flavio Arzilla - è rivolta alle produzioni che parlano dell'Italia, visto che siamo una struttura che si rivolge ad un pubblico molto vasto fatto di famiglie americane di origine italiana.
Tra le tante produzioni abbiamo notato, tramite la rete, il prodotto DispenserTv.
Ben confezionato e di ottima professionalità.
Prima di prendere i contatti con i responsabili, Pietro Gasparri e Gianna Fabbrizi, abbiamo monitorato i servizi prodotti da questa struttura per circa sei mesi e sempre abbiamo riscontrato l'ottima qualità tecnica e professionale.
E poi le cose si sono concretizzate nelle ultime settimane.
Questo programma d'informazione che parla della Toscana e dei suoi pregi sarà un'ottima forma di marketing, qui negli Usa, per la regione e per i territori e le città che saranno presi in esame nei servizio di Pietro Gasparri e Gianna Fabbrizi”.
Con le piattaforme web di IRoad LLC, DispenserTv arriverà a coprire un pubblico stimato, grazie agli abbonamenti, di circa 1 milione di telespettatori sparsi nel Nord America, compresa la città di New York.
